Ministries & Groups

Liturgical Ministries


Altar Servers: Karla Montano

Extraordinary Ministers: Gilbert & Chay Santos

Homebound - Pastoral Care Ministry: Lynda Tan

Music Director: Rafael Oei

Parish Liturgy Coordinator: Rafael Oei

Proclaimers: Stan Dzbik

Social Justice/D & P: Stan Dzbik

Ushers: Marisa Tinsay / Lynda Tan

Video Streamers: Peter Liem

Altar Servers:
Children, youth, and adults are welcome to volunteer to be altar servers. It is highly encouraged that those interested have already received the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Communion. If you or your children are interested in this ministry, please contact the Parish Office. Training and guidance will be provided. Altar Server Coordinator: Karla Montano

Extraordinary Ministers of Communion:
This is a most honourable ministry; distributing the Sacred Body of Christ during Communion. Training and guidance will be provided. If you are interested in serving the Lord in this ministry, please contact the Parish Office. Extraordinary Ministers of Communion Coordinators: Gilbert & Chay Santos

Homebound - Pastoral Care Ministry:
The Healing Ministry of Jesus Christ is an integral, vibrant, and evident part of each parish and parishioner’s expression of the Catholic Faith. Pastoral Care Ministry volunteers visit those who are homebound or live in care homes to provide accompaniment, care, comfort, and the Holy Eucharist for Spiritual nourishment. A Criminal Record Check is required for this ministry. If you are interested in serving the Lord in this ministry, please contact the Parish Office. Pastoral Care Ministry Coordinator: Lynda Tan

Music Ministry:
Singers and musicians are welcome to make a commitment to sing or accompany the Sacred Heart Choir at 9 am every Sunday. Any instrument is welcome. Practices are usually at 8:30 am, and after the 9 am Mass (or liturgical service) as we approach major feast days. If you are interested in volunteering your voice and/or talent, please contact the Parish Office. Music Director: Rafael Oei

If you feel called to proclaim the Word of God during Mass and the Celebration of the Word, please contact the Parish Office. Training and guidance will be provided. Proclaimer Coordinator: Stan Dzbik

Come and share the joy and hospitality of the parish. If you feel called to serve as a host to cheerfully greet people at the entrance of the church, especially new faces, to make them feel welcomed and at home; to guide and lead those who need help, to the pews; to manage and keep an orderly congregation; keep the pews tidy; and ensure everyone is able to pray and worship comfortably, then you may want to volunteer to be an Usher. If this ministry is calling out to you, please contact the Parish Office. Training and guidance will be provided. Usher Coordinators: Marisa Tinsay & Lynda Tan.

Video Streamers:
With some of our parishioners still homebound, or unable to be physically present in church, our parish occasionally streams the Mass through our parish YouTube channel. If you would like to help in this ministry, training and guidance will be provided. Please contact the Parish Office, if you would like to volunteer in this ministry. Video Streamer Coordinator: Peter Liem

We value and appreciate all our volunteers, and strive to maintain a safe environment for all parishioners; especially the young and the vulnerable. In accord with the requirements of the Diocesan Responsible Ministry and Safe Environment Policy for all volunteers in the parish, please complete the following forms and submit them to the Parish Office. Your kind understanding in this is most appreciated.

Volunteer Form

Covenant of Care Form


Christian Meditation: Margie Noonan

C.W.L.: Margot McLaughlin

PrayerLine Ministry: Miriam Podmoroff

Knights of Columbus: Stan Dzbik

Led By The Spirit Group: David MacIntyre

Moms &Tots: Chantal Cote

Phone-tree Ministry: Elizabeth Olcen

Funeral Receptions: Elizabeth Olcen

Social Justice/D & P: Stan Dzbik

St. Vincent de Paul: Georgina Short

Children's Faith Formation / Sacramental Preparation

2024-25 Faith Formation Classes are starting up on Sunday September 15th at 10 am in the Parish Hall for the following classes:
Pre -Sacrament (Preschool to Grade 1)
Sacramental Preparation Year 1 (First Reconciliation)
Sacramental preparation Year 2 (First Communion & Confirmation)

Faith Formation Registration Form

Inquiries & completed registrations can be sent to Lidia Moodie at

Social Justice / Development and Peace

Our mission:

We strive to cultivate awareness and sensitivity to those who are denied their human rights or the opportunity to realize their aspirations. We strive to establish solidarity with the oppressed, through actions to remove the cause of their suffering, especially where injustice lives.


Kathy Weswick, Stan Dzbik, Margie Noonan, Miriam Podmoroff



Share Lent 2023 Campaign

This Lent, Stand for the Land

Share Lent is an annual highlight for our organization. It is when the bishops of Canada encourage the faithful to give to Development and Peace, especially through the collection on Solidarity Sunday, the fifth Sunday of Lent. This Lent, let us walk in solidarity with our sisters and brothers in the Global South who put people and planet first. Join us and bring Share Lent to life in your community!

Act in solidarity, give generously

Become a Share Year-Round donor
Double your impact by becoming a Share Year-Round donor or increasing your monthly donations during Lent! A fund endowed by some generous individuals and religious communities will match new monthly pledges (and increases to existing monthly donations) dollar for dollar! * E.g., if you pledge $10 a month, Development and Peace will receive a total of $240 over the year. *Valid until the matching fund of $160,000 runs out.

Start a fundraising page
Start your fundraising page and ask friends and family to contribute to Development and Peace's mission. A few minutes is all it takes to spread solidarity! Don't hesitate to take the Good Friday Spreading Solidarity Challenge by creating your page by April 15.

Give Now
Make a donation that will go straight to the hearts of the people we support in the Global South. Your Share Lent contribution helps put people and the planet first. From our partners and the people they serve, THANK YOU for giving from the heart!

Help Refugees from Ukraine


The Catholic Women's League

CWL Brochure

The Catholic Women's League Membership Campaign!

Join the largest national organization of Catholic women. Grow in faith and witness to the love of God through ministry and service in our parish and abroad.

Membership benefits!!!

The CWL has been around since the 1920's and has met annually with all levels of government since the 1970's. Membership offers opportunities to become involved on the regional, diocesan, provincial, and on national and even international platforms.

Check out the current cross-Canada themes:

National: Catholic and Living It!

Provincial: Embracing Christ in Everyone

Diocesan: Sow Love Generously

We meet monthly, virtually or in person. To join or if you have any questions, please contact Margot McLaughlin.

Knights of Columbus Sacred Heart Council

Please contact Stan Dzbik through the Parish Office